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Who are we ?

Who are we ?


Longtime friends of the Little Sisters and of Mother Mary of the Cross have united to say how touched they are by this incomprehensible situation and by these serious measures which weigh against the Congregation and deeply wound the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer.

While today the Catholic Church is criticized and attacked from all sides, we are indeed shocked by these measures decided by the ecclesiastical authorities. These decisions destabilize a Congregation of religious who aspire only to live faithfully the charism of their foundress, at the service of the Church and in perfect communion with the Church.

We are mobilized and committed alongside the Little Sisters to help them in their efforts, so that this unjust situation may be reconsidered by the ecclesiastical authorities with objectivity and the search for an equitable solution, in order to reach a conciliation of the parties, in accordance with the doctrine of the Church generally taken up in canon law :

Can.1446 - § 1. All the faithful, and first and foremost the Bishops, will do their best, with respect for justice, to avoid as far as possible disputes within the people of God, and to settle them as soon as possible in a peaceful manner.

It is in this spirit that we have created the Association of Support to the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer
(Association of type law of 1901 - Statutes deposited on 26/03/18 at the sub-prefecture)


and we propose that you sign our petition :


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The association entrusts the Congregation of the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer as the primary custodian of the Charism (*) of its Founder, Mother Mary of the Cross.

(Maria Nault, 1901 – 1999).


The objective of the association is to provide support and assistance to the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer :


1 – in their vocation to carry the charism conveyed by Mother Mary of the Cross


2 – in their aptitude to promote, in accordance with the spirit of their Founder, the spiritual values of the congregation.


3 – in their capacity to explain the charism specific to the congregation, so that it is respected within the Church and in the world.


4 – in any action undertaken, if should be the case, with ecclesiastical or civil authorities, in order to assert their legal rights, at the service of Mother Mary of the Cross’s religious organisation.


5 – in the setting up of various social media events e.g. musical, cultural, artistic, historical, etc. which purpose is to contribute to the goals specified hereabove.  


(*) Charism : In religious life, the charism inseparable from spirituality is both a gift, an apostolic intuition and a particular way of living together. Each religious family has a charism received from its founder, which is its own; it is its identity.

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